Today, Turkey is one of the most important countries in the world by the emergence of tunneling activities. In tunneling a few years it is expected to invest over 35 billion euros in Turkey.
Ensuring good communication between the managers and technical personnel of public institutions and administrations in the sector and stakeholders such as contractors, engineering firms, consultants, machinery manufacturers and various suppliers in order to complete projects on time and reduce costs, sharing and discussing the latest developments contribute to the positive momentum of the sector. For this, it is inevitable to organize symposiums, fairs and training programs on the subject. This is one of the most important goals of the Tunneling Association.
Notre association, qui est liée à la première et unique exposition de Turquie en 2014, le salon n ° 1 de la technologie et de l’équipement de construction de tunnels de tunnel (1sttunnel Expo Turkey) avait été réalisé avec succès avec les démos. 155 entreprises locales et étrangères ont participé à la foire, qui se déroule sur une superficie de 15 mille mètres carrés. Au total, plus de 3000 personnes, directement liées à l’industrie, de 24 pays différents ont visité le salon. Le 3ème Cours Court Tunneling, qui a duré trois jours aux mêmes dates et au même endroit, a été mené avec succès par notre Association avec cet événement. Environ 240 auditeurs locaux et étrangers ont assisté au cours, qui a été donné par environ 35 conférenciers experts locaux et étrangers.
The Tunneling Association will hold the 2nd Tunnel Construction Technologies and Equipment (2nd Tunnel Expo Turkey) Fair together with Demos this year between 27-29 August 2015 at the Istanbul Expo Center – Yeşilköy. In conjunction with this exhibition simultaneously in the same place and Miners Association of Turkey (1 Mining Fair) is also (1st Turkey Mining Expo) will be held. Many companies have already started making reservations to participate in these fairs. This year, two representatives of each of the 70 countries that are members of the International Tunneling Association (ITA) were invited to these events. They will be given a stand at the fair, thus creating an opportunity for promotion and cooperation. Representatives from at least 30 member states are expected to attend.